Friday, February 7, 2014

My Sewing Corner

So how many garments have I made so far in 2014?  None.  I have been busy.  Plus, I have been putting together my sewing corner, with the help of my sweet husband.  With my new interest and love of sewing, I wanted to have a dedicated sewing space, that wasn't the dining room table.

So I searched the internet far and wide to find a sewing table that suited my needs.  We don't have enough rooms in the house for me to have a sewing room.  But we found a sweet corner in the playroom/bonus room that will serve me very well.  And I found a perfect table that can open and shut to protect my sewing items from current and future small children alike.

I will still be using the dining room table for cutting out patterns, at least for now.  My plan is to get a folding table and bed risers, which will then become my cutting table.  Space is an issue so finding space saving solutions (like a cutting table that can be stored in the playroom closet) is essential.

So, here is the evolution of my Sewing Corner, complete with artwork created by Chris as a Christmas gift.

My sewing table - put together by Chris with hardware assistance provided by yours truly.

Oscar helped too.
As you can see, it is a totally awesome table!  I bought the little lamp from Walmart because I really liked the pop of color that it added to the corner.  Which is what inspired my next two design choices.

My Sewing Corner!
The art Chris created was perfect, colorful and really inspired the entire design. (I watch A LOT of HGTV.)  I decided to boost up the color value by spray painting the frame.  I also purchased a spool rack at Walmart to hang on the wall.  I decided to spray paint that too in an effort to make the whole corner stand out.  I have to say I am really proud of how great the whole space looks.  In a sea of toddler toys, this little corner is devoted to me and my creative pursuits.

After the remaining decorative elements were added. 
Sewing machine ready to go!

One thing I plan to add very soon is a soft sewing machine cover. I will either make it myself or purchase one from Etsy.
So stay tuned.  Now that my sewing corner is ready, I plan to tackle another winter skirt.  Hopefully it will be done by the end of next week.

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